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Easter message 2024

Dear SDE Brothers and Sisters in our risen Lord,

“The angel said to the women, »Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.«” Mt 28:5–6a

The angel talks to the women, because they were mourning deeply and brave enough to go to Jesus’s tomb. At that specific moment, it was only reasonable to look for the dead Jesus. It might differ the reason why we are seeking Jesus, but it is a blessed act if we miss Him. In this way we may meet someone, the person who is sent with a mission, and who may say the right words in our sorrow, in our fallen situation, in our grieve, our sickness, weakness, loneliness and fragility.

Our world and life is characterized by fear. We fear what we don’t know, darkness, others hostility and malevolence, not being understood and supported as we need, the unstable financial situation, war, terrorist attack, known and unknown dangers and diseases, and as we grow older, death. When we fear the most, when the darkness is the densestif we are in the right place, the message arrives gently and firmly: “Do not be afraid.” These words are not powerless,are not just cheap comfort, as it comes from the Almighty. These sentences can change our life, our mood and state of mind.

The angel knows that we are wrong in our search, yet we are in the right place to meet with the right person and hear the right message. He does not rebuke us, but encourages is. Accepts our errant and positions us in the right direction. Christ, our hope was crucified, and our struggles in life are hopeless without Him.

Jesus is not in His tomb, because He has risen. Instead of His tomb He is here with us today, in our deplorable and hopeless situation. In this way our darkness turns into light, our fear may fade or disappear, our hopelessness transforms in hope and our life regains its goals. We can kneel down and worship Jesus, the forever living God’s Son.

When Jesus promises something, He keeps His word. He said that He will rise, and He did it for us. With this life- changing and wonderful message comes a task as well. The rejoicing women have to go and share the good news with others, who still mourn. Our Easter is filled with joy, light, splendour, owe, hope, faith, love, and we are missioned to go to others, who are living without the risen Lord.

United in prayer, on behalf of SDE’s EC Antoinette, Liina and Teemu,


Lehel Lészai

Read this message in pdf: Easter Message 2024.pdf

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